We began selling fashion leather in 2005 from our warehouse in Tacoma, WA.
We are one of the largest sellers on Etsy in the world.
It is our goal to ship next day after payment or even same day. Our favorite saying is "orders come first"! Our quality is the best in the market, by far. We stand behind any errors we might make (yes, it happens even though each piece is inspected twice!).
We have always had 5 stars, we have always had all the badges etsy offers.
We even shipped every day when covid hit, all of us continued to work every day to keep our customers in leather!
We buy from some of the largest and best tanneries in the world.
When we started, you could only buy whole hides or scrap, so we filled a niche by buying hides and cutting them to specific sizes. We were the first to offer 12"x12",
8"x10", 4"x6". We were the first to offer cork backed with leather. We were one of the first to offer digitally printed leather.
We carry around 165,000 sq ft of leather in stock. We offer hides/sides of all the leathers we have, except closeouts. We can also do custom orders.
Our customers are from all around the world from Shoe Makers, to earring makers to tack makers, bag makers and more.
We are always here to help and answer questions quickly.
Want to talk to us? Want to visit? DO IT! 253-627-2656
2916 S Steele St, Tacoma, WA 98409
Peggy, Jaime and the staff of PeggySueAlso appreciate you!